CCB# 199741


 We want to provide the user with an example that will strengthen your survival of our current planet’s changing condition. Bio-Methane Energy is clearly the right decision to quickly improve and satisfy everyone’s energy needs. It has all the right answers to be successful – economical, cleans up the environment by transforming biowaste, provides fertilizer, and energy

by providing gas which can be used for heating, cooking and electricity.


 It is for these reasons that every concerned people on every continent in the world as well as ecologists support

Bio-Methane energy and our government is doing its part by creating programs and making funds available to get this done. Well, it has not been done in a way that is beneficial to the people at community levels because of business plans that

support business and not community.


 The plans that do not and will not support community is “Big Wind and Solar”. Turbines and arrays that produce enormous amounts of energy. Enough energy to support hundreds of communities. They placed them in locations that the sites tested very good for as well as relieved many concerns of the environmentalists. So, on the surface it seemed to answer the

question of supplying the needs of the people. But, it only supplies the needs of the people when the GRID as uninterrupted, and the person or business can pay a connection fee of get cut off.


 California put in over 4500 giant turbines that supports their massive grid as well as sells to other grids. But what are the people and communities gaining as a benefit for this?  Nothing! The state is without funds, people are experiencing no

benefits or relief for themselves, and in a disaster situation there is no benefit at all because the GRID goes down.


 So, what we are introducing to Oregon and USA communities is not to make that same mistake of building wind farms and privately owned turbines and solar arrays that supply enough energy to the grid to satisfy our government’s mandate for renewable and clean energy. It is to distribute energy in the form of biomethane systems placed strategically in communities

to support them   with or without a GRID. What will be the results – an improved quality of life, resources, and survival for the future.


 Our vision is for everyone at every level in communities everywhere to see that distributed renewable energy is benefiting everyone because it gradually improves the conditions of life for everyone.  It’s an attainable natural form of community improvement at a social level. Schools and government buildings should not be a source of bleeding away tax dollars to pay for what can be obtained through Bio-Methane energy with clean backup and storage.


 This movement to transform our old way of looking at energy and what we pay for into resourceful, reliable communities is happening in many places in the world. It may not be the topic of conversation on jeopardy but it is making the top 20 things to talk about in sustainable living circles.


 Our water facility and other natural resource providers are also our means of sustainable community. We don’t have to see ourselves as without any other alternatives or desperate to realize how to make a better decision for our community. We cannot afford to have the mentality that it’s every man for himself or family for themselves. That was not evident in communities like New York that experienced loss of many resources via loss of the GRID very recently after the storm. Alaska is a very innovative part of our country that is representing what we have always represented to the rest of the

world – ingenuity!.


 We are very proud to be a part of our community and to know all the folks that we call neighbors are awake.

Bio-Methane Energy,  its uses, as well as its support is growing exponentially. What has changed is not the growth in megawatts as it is in distribution of watts. That is what is happening in the transformation process – distribution is the natural logic


 The statistics prove and provide the data that the growth and success of Biogas is on the rise and not expected slow down.

It is our nations as well as the worlds next big thing. When we started the building the internet and all its vast resources there was the same level of clarity that it was the next big thing. What would life be like without it today.


  So, Where do we fit in to all this! We think you see the big picture and more importantly we hope you feel it. A lot of research was done such that we are behind the best products with the most durable records. Our support for these manufacturers and their superior technology as dealer/distributor is also a part of our commitment to the manufacturer and you.